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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Tomato soup.

Therefore, enjoying tomato soup may be a delicious way to make the most of the health benefits of tomatoes. You could savor a rich, warm bowl of soup during sweater weather or a refreshing gazpacho in summer. Tomatoes are also rich in carotenoids — namely lycopene —

What makes soup healthy?

When prepared with the right ingredients, soup can be a truly healthy dish with multiple nutritional benefits. For example, soups made with bone-, vegetable-, or meat-based broths provide vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, such as collagen สมัคร ufabet They also deliver great flavor while keeping added fats and calories

What are green peas?

Green peas or “garden peas” are the small, spherical seeds that come from pods produced by the Pisum sativum plant. They have been part of the human food for hundreds of years and are consumed all over the world. Strictly speaking, green peas are not vegetables. They

Benefits of asparagus.

Asparagus can be enjoyed raw or cooked. And it’s often a star ingredient in soups, stews, salads, and other dishes. Asparagus benefits include its low caloric value and its high vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content. Good Source of Antioxidants Antioxidants are compounds that help protect

Reduce bad breath with 4 drinks

Halitosis is the foul odor that comes from the breath. If it happens, it will cause your personality to be damaged. Lack of confidence But during the day, you may not be able to brush your teeth as often as you’d like. This can cause problems

Foods to nourish the kidneys that are easily found around you.

Eating kidney-nourishing foods is a way to help keep your kidneys healthy and help reduce the risk of kidney disease. This is because the kidneys are an important organ whose job is to filter and expel waste from the body to help maintain the balance

Proteinuria and Symptoms of protein leakage in the urine.

Protein leakage (Proteinuria) or a condition in which there is a large amount of protein in the urine. It is a health problem that can occur for many reasons. Sometimes this is just a temporary cause. like dehydration or heavy exercise But sometimes it can be a sign

Know the common symptoms of kidney disease.

Kidney disease symptoms can occur in many ways. Although most patients may be asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms at first, And the symptoms will become clearer when the disease has reach its final stage. However, many patients may notice that they have kidney disease

Pork belly, nutritional value and what diseases does it help treat?

Pork belly has nutritional value and benefits. Calories in pork belly. Side effects. Helps maintain energy. Stimulates the spleen and stomach Relieves fatigue, diarrhea, diarrhea, reduces thirst and malnutrition in children. People with moist phlegm should be careful Don’t eat during a cold. Suitable for people